CBD Self Massage ft. Donuts + Downdog

CBD targets inflammation–the pesky culprit causing most of your everyday pain and discomfort and is a natural alternative to prescription pills and NSAIDs like ibuprofen. Formulated to be used anywhere on the body that is holding tightness and tension, simply work Mad Ritual into the area of discomfort for fast relief! 

Mad Ritual topicals are made of rich butters and oils that deliver the relieving properties of CBD directly to the area of soreness. We use simple, organic, and vegan ingredients paired with powerful essential oils that create the perfect glide for self massage and daily body maintenance.


We've teamed up with Lizzie at Donuts+Downdog to bring you this relaxing and restorative full body self massage. Settle in somewhere comfy, hit play on this dreamy playlist and get ready to feel better! Grab your Mad Ritual Rub (coconut oil works!) to follow along.

1 comment


Wow! What a surprise and a gift! Thanks from me and my whole body!

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